TIny_Hacker's Website
About me_

I'm TIny_Hacker, a developer of mostly calculator-related things. This website is home to my projects, many of which are written in C or eZ80 assembly, though a few use other languages such as TI-BASIC or JS. You can learn more about my projects on GitHub or Cemetech, and I occasionally upload (also calculator-related) videos to a YouTube channel as well. If you're curious about the specific calculators I own, check out my MyCalcs profile. (And if you own calculators go create your own!)
Aside from calculators, I also enjoy graphic design, music, and cooking. I typically post about anything I find interesting on my Bluesky account!
eZ80 Studio
December 28, 2024
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An on-calc eZ80 assembly IDE for TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 PCE calculators. Includes an editor with syntax highlighting and a built-in assembler for building programs directly on the calculator.
December 24, 2024
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A program to turn the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 PCE into a MIDI keyboard and controller. It includes a number of features, including a pitchbend control, drumpad, and mappable MIDI CC controls.
eZ80 Docs
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In Progress In Progress
Community documentation project for assembly programming on TI's eZ80 calculators. The site contains both tutorials and resources and aims to be both easy to update and understand.
Road to Nowhere
November 25, 2023
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A screensaver-style program for the TI-84 Plus CE, used as an entry for CC26. It features weather and a day / night cycle synced to the device's time, along with a number of easter eggs and references.
August 22, 2023
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A simple, minimalistic sprite and icon creator written in Hybrid TI-BASIC with the Celtic CE library. It features an editor for sprites using both xLibC and BufSprite palettes.
TI-84 Addition Edition
March 28, 2023
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Turn your TI-84 Plus CE into the legendary TI-83 Plus Addition Edition. (Now with color!) This program will disable all keys other than 0-9, enter, and + to give you an experience as close as possible to the TI-83 Plus Addition Edition.
TI-BASIC Syntax Highlighting
February 20, 2023
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This extension provides syntax highlighting, snippets, and importing / exporting for the (e)Z80 TI-BASIC language. It is also currently used by GitHub linguist to provide syntax highlighting for TI-BASIC on the GitHub website.
Always-on Dark Mode
September 16, 2022
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This program works similarly to other dark mode programs for the TI-84 Plus CE, with the exception that it will maintain dark mode even after turning the calculator off and back on again.
CE Clock
September 3, 2022
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This is a port of my Doors CS 7 Clock to the TI-84 Plus CE using Celtic CE. It dynamically updates the program icon when run to display the current time. This program is more just a demo as almost all shells have clocks anyway.
September 2, 2022
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A shell for the TI-84 Plus CE / 83 PCE calculators. It features a customizable interface, OS integrations, file operations, and more.
Also placed first in Cemetech's 2022 PotY poll.
Into The Shade
June 1, 2022
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Unstable Unstable
An odd minigame involving chasing a small square of shade across the screen to prevent your vehicle from overheating. It features five vehicles and an even stranger final cutscene.
Snorlax's Lunchtime CE
February 2, 2022
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A clone of the PokeMini "Snorlax's Lunchtime" minigame to the TI-84 Plus CE. Unlike my previous Snorlax's Lunchtime game for the TI-84 / 83 Plus monochrome calculators, this is written in C and features a high score menu.
Snorlax's Lunchtime
December 21, 2021
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Another clone of the PokeMini "Snorlax's Lunchtime" minigame, written for the monochrome TI-84 / 83 Plus in hybrid TI-BASIC with the Doors CS libraries.
DCS 7 Clock
September 16, 2020
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A digital clock program that displays the current hour in twelve-hour time whenever ran from Doors CS. Like the CE Clock program, the icon is dynamically updated whenever the program is ran.
Cow Clicker
September 11, 2020
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This is a clone of Ian Bogost's Facebook game Cow Clicker for the TI-83 Plus / 84 Plus (SE). It is not a particularly faithful clone and mostly only features the clicking of cows. It requires Doors CS 7.2 in order to run correctly.
July 4, 2020
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Canceled Canceled
A terminal-style interface for the TI-83 Plus, written in pure TI-BASIC. This project proved to be far too ambitious for me at the time and I got bored of it and stopped working on it.